Speak in public with
confidence and power.

It’s time to shut up the critical voice in your head.


From fears to cheers!

You are already a public speaker.

Everyday, you are sharing, pitching, and reporting.

At home, at work, there is a question to answer, a story to tell, a product to sell. Your preparation and content development, or lack there of, is the part no one sees. It’s time to stop shaking, sweating, and forgetting your words. It’s time to be the speaker and storyteller you’ve looked up to so you can finally stop wishing for it and take action to work on it!

Melissa has been on stage for most of her life, from small-town community theatre to the Miss New Jersey stage and, most recently, TEDx. She has her Master's in Social Work from Rutgers University and worked in higher education for almost 10 years before transitioning to public speaking. Now, she helps leaders in their fields get over their fear of public speaking to create a bigger impact.

You can do this!

“Melissa is incredibly talented in telling a story and connecting with a large group in a short period of time. She showed us why engagement matters and didn't just lecture about it.”

—Julie L. , Assistant Dean of Students, UCF

A coach is like dating.
It has to be a good match.

Book a call with me to see how we can work together.